Asian Agri held a Premium Sharing ceremony to share with partnered Plasma smallholders portions of profits made from the sale of sustainable palm oil. This helps create a virtuous cycle of sustainability that benefits smalllholders, the industry and the environment.
The palm oil producer has almost 30 years' experience partnering Plasma schemed palm oil smallholders. In this partnership, Asian Agri has helped these smallholders build sustainable agronomic capacities, income diversification, improve productivity and yields, and ultimately raise their living standards.
In addition to giving the smallholders training in sustainable plantation management, use of high-yield seedlings and adopting of no-burn practices, Asian Agri also played a pivotal role in helping the smallholders receive RSPO and ISCC certification.
The Premium Sharing is a platform to recognise, acknowledge and reward partnering Plasma smallholders for the commitment and contribution to producing sustainable oil.
A community-focused Asian Agri truly reflects the RGE companies' principles of doing what is good for community, country and the climate.
Read more at Inside RGE.